May 23, 2009

Adverbials Chart (Prepared by Diana Solano Leitón)

Type Form Examples

Frequency Positive Adverb always, usually, sometimes,
frequently, regularly, often

Frequency Negative Adverb Hardly ever,scarcely ever,
seldom,infrequently,not often,
never,rarely, not always

Frequency Adverb of Specific Frequency daily, weekly, hourly, monthly,

Frequency Prepositional Phrase once in a while, once in a
lifetime, once in a blue moon

Frequency Noun Phrase every day, 3 times a year,
every night,4 times a month,
several times, every holiday,
every now and then

Manner Adverb quietly, loudly, desperately,
rapidly, certainly, quickly

Manner Prepositional Phrase at random, by fax, by car,
in some way, in a little manner,
with a smile, with his foot,
without doubt

Manner Subordinate Clause if they were here... if you were...

Manner Comparative and Superlative He writes the slowest.
He writes slower than the

Manner Participial Phrases Damaged by the earquake,the
building collpased.
Feeling exhausted, she went to

Place Prepositional Phrase across..., between..., under..,
at... along... beside...
behind... among.. the
left...around...down... in...
inside... near...out...outside.
past... through... up...
Just when followed by an object:
through the garden, around your
bed, in the house, near my house

Place Nouns downtown, north, east, home,
home, south, west

Place Sobordinate Clause Introduced by where, whenever

Time Adverb forever, soon, today, yesterday,
later, next, then, tomorrow,long
now, mid-center.

Time Noun Days of the week

Time Noun Phrase All day, last time, the next day
a week ago, last month, next
weekend, a week from, this
coming Sunday, a hundred years
ago, tomorrow morning

Time Prepositional Phrases after dinner, in 1997, on Monday
at first, during vacation, for a
days, at lunchtime, over the
years, at mid-century,before the
holidays, for a moment.

Time Subordinate Clause Introduced by when, whenever

Reason Prepositional Phrase because of... due to... despite.
on bussiness, in spite of.. for
(fun, pleasure) on vacation,
for (some fruit, milk)

Reason Infinitve to study, in order to practice
to work, in order to decide,
to play

Reason Infinitive Phrases In order to see a movie,
to enjoy our selves,
to advertise de product,
to do research

Reason Subordinate Clause Introduced by since, because

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